Indicator's Method tab

Indicator's Method tab

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This section lets you choose the Method to calculate statuses for each value associated to the Indicator. Besides, labels for the Concept and Filter are chosen.

Choosing the method of the indicator

The available methods to calculate the status of each element in the indicator are:

  • Goals and Tolerance
  • Goals, Radius and Tolerance

Goals and Tolerance

The Goals and Tolerance method defines the parameters Goal (G) and Tolerance (T) and has two modes of operation. The Goal can define the minimum possible value, (MIN) or the Goal can define de maximum admissible value (MAX). The mode of operation is determined in the "Operation" field.

The result for each method is explained below:

  • GT with G as a minimum:
    • If the value for the indicator is greater than the goal, the color is green.
    • If the value for the indicator is smaller than G but greater than G-T, the color will be Yellow.
    • If the value for the indicator is not any of the above, the status is red.

It is also possible to define Tolerance as a percentage of the Goal. In such case, a tolerance of X% corresponds to a value of X% below the Goal.

  • GT with G as a Maximum:
    • If the value for the indicator is smaller than G the color is green.
    • If the value for the indicator is greater than G but smaller than G + T, the color is yellow.
    • If the value for the indicator is none of the above, the status is red.

It is also possible to define Tolerance as a percentage of the Goal. (See the "Percentages" section.) In such case, a tolerance of X% corresponds to a value of X% above the Goal.

Goal, Radius and Tolerance

The method Goal, Radius and Tolerance defines the parameters Goal (G), Goal Radius (GR) and Tolerance Range (TR).

The only available operation for this method is "Inside the range". Results are as follows:

    • If the value for the indicator is between "G-GR" and "G+GR" the color is green.
    • If the value for the indicator is between "G-GR-TR" and "G-GR", or is between "G+GR" and "G+GR+TR", the color is yellow.
    • If the value for the indicator is neither of the above, the status is red.

It is also possible to define "Goal Radius" and "Tolerance Radius" as a percentage of the Goal.


Whatever the method chosen to define the indicator, the values of Radius and Tolerance can be expressed as a percentage of the Goal, as opposed to an absolute value.

To do so, you should tick the check box associated to the field named "Consider Tolerance as a Percentage".

Concept and Filter

The Concept groups the collection of fields of the data sources that receive values for the indicator. It is defined by entering its name in the field "Detail by".

The name given to the concept is assigned at your discretion, that is, it does not necessarily have to match the name of the associated dimension. The name is a way to identify such values within the scorecard.

As we saw in the example mentioned before, the values of the indicator "Increase Sales" are detailed by Location (Countries), as the concept by which the indicator is analyzed corresponds to the destination country of sales.

An indicator's filter lets you analyze its historical information, hence the dimension generally associated is date-type or at least it suggests a period of time. To define a filter for the indicator, you must select the "With Filter" Option.

When a filter is defined for an indicator, you must bear in mind that the status of the indicator is the one of the last element in the filter. That is to say, if the filter is the dimension Date, and it particularly has to do with the current year's quarters, the status of the indicator will be the one of the last quarter.

It is important to point out that the filter is optional. It is usual to define an indicator without a filter, while the Date dimension is defined as Concept. This means that the values of the indicator will be detailed by the date, allowing for a month-by-month analysis.

The need for a filter arises when it is necessary to detail the values of the indicator by a different category, apart from the date.
Depending on the chosen method, the concept and the filter entered, a table is displayed to enter the Goal, Tolerance and Radius default values.

If the chosen method is "Goal and Tolerance", the table shows the necessary rows to configure how the values associated to the Goal and Tolerance are respectively defined.

If the chosen method is "Goal, Radius and Tolerance" it shows the necessary rows to configure how the values associated to Goal, Radius and Tolerance are defined.

If the indicator's goal is a fixed value, and its value is applied to all elements in the concept used, as well as to all the elements in the filter, this value should be entered in the "Constant Value" column.

If the indicator's goal is determined by a value captured from a data source, or is different for each element of the dimension associated to the "Concept", the check box of its associated column must be ticked.

If the indicator's goal is determined by a value captured from data sources, or is different for each element in the filter, the check box of its associated column must be ticked.

If the indicator's goal is determined by a value captured from a data source, or is different for a combination of elements of the concept and the filter, the checkboxes associated to the respective columns must be ticked.

It is important to emphasize that the column named "Constant Value" excludes all the other columns.

The very same rules described above are also applicable to define tolerance, goal range and tolerance range.

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