Generating the Scorecard

Generating the Scorecard

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To view the scorecard it is necessary to generate it from the defined model. Once it has been generated, it is possible to view the scorecard through the O3 Scorecard Viewer component.
You may generate the scorecard in two ways:

  1. From O3 Scorecard Editor while the model that defines the scorecard is edited.
  2. Running a command from command line in the operating system.

Generating the Scorecard from the Editor

To generate or build the scorecard follow these steps:

  1. Choose the corresponding button that lets you perform this operation from the Toolbar.
  2. Indicate where to save the generated scorecard in the dialog box.
    To do so you must choose a type of location for the scorecard being generated from the following options:
    • Local Files: The scorecard is generated in the file system.
    • Remote Files: The scorecard is generated in O3 Server.
    • Recent: This option makes the generation of a previously generated scorecard easier.
  3. Define the scorecard name to be generated in the previously indicated location:
    • Local Files: A directory must be chosen and the name you wish to give to the scorecard must be entered.
    • Remote Files: The name of the scorecard must be entered. The first time you access the server you must enter a username and password to log in.
    • Recent: Choose a name from the list displayed. This option is useful when you are updating an existing scorecard.

The generated file containing the scorecard has a bsDat extension and the name entered by the user. In case of choosing an existing name, confirmation to overwrite it is requested from the user.

Once the scorecard has been generated, it is available for viewing with O3 Scorecard Viewer or from an Internet browser in its HTML version.

Generating the scorecard from the command line

There is a "BSCGen" command to update scorecards from the command line.

The executable file BSCGen.exe, in the bin directory under the installation directory can be run in Windows as well as in other operating systems.

Besides it is possible to run the corresponding script in Windows systems as well as in other systems.

  • In Windows, the script is called BSCGen.bat and is in the bat directory under the installation directory.
  • In other systems, the script is called BSCGEN.sh and is located in the "sh" directory under the installation directory.

This command-line program uses a properties file with several settings required to update the scorecard. This file is typically named O3BSCGenerator.properties, however a different file can be indicated if necessary.

These are the properties included in the file:




Port where O3 Server listens.


Server Name


Name or IP of the machine where O3 Server is running.


When True, it indicates that the login to the server should be done once and the session should be reused during the time required to update the scorecard.


Location of the scorecard model. It may be in the file system or on the server.


Name of the file with which the file is generated. It may be generated in the file system or on the server.


Location of the file containing Username and O3 Server password.

By default this file includes properties to generate the sample scorecard called Ventas Mundiales.

All the files needed for this scorecard are located in folder <O3>/files/VentasMundiales.

# O3 Scorecard Generator configuration File

# CS Properties
gclient.server.port  = 1099
gclient.server.name  = O3Server
gclient.server.host  = localhost
gclient.singleSignOn = true

# Sample entries for local scorecards
indicatorsXML        = ${ideasoft.home}/files/VentasMundiales/VentasMundiales.bsDef
resultFileName       = ${ideasoft.home}/files/VentasMundiales/VentasMundiales.bsDat

# Sample entries for remote scorecards
#indicatorsXML       = istore:scorecard/Ventas Mundiales
#resultFileName      = istore:scorecard/Ventas Mundiales

secFilePath          = ${ideasoft.home.path}/files/O3BSCSecFile.properties

To generate a different scorecard both the indicartorsXML and resultFileName properties need to be modified.

The security File (secFilePath) is tipically shared among several scorecards unless they need to be built using different user accounts and privileges. This file contains the user and the password to connect to the O3 Server where the Scorecard is published, and to access the data needed during the update process.

This O3BSCSecFile.properties is created from the General Panel associated to the Root Element in the Scorecard using the Scorecard Editor.

Generating more than one Scorecard

For each scorecard, it is necesary to create a .properties file that identifies the scorecard to generate and what security file to use.

This file can be created using the file O3BSCGenerator.properties as a template.

Suppose that there is a new file called bscSales.properties. The changes to make to the file are as follows:

  • indicartorsXML: should indicate the URL (filesystem o remote) to the scorecard definition (.bsDef file)
  • resultFileName: should indicate the URL (filesystem o remote) to the result scorecard (.bsDat file)
  • secFilePath: should indicate the path to the security file that contains the user and password to connect to the server.
    This file could be shared among different scorecards, in fact, this is the recommented scenario.
    It can be generated using the Scorecard Editor, from the properties pane associated to the Root element in the Scorecard. The Batch Parameters section defines these parameters. The password is encrypted in the file.

To generate the scorecard, use the BSCGen (bscgen.bat o bscgen.sh) command, providing the .properties previously defined as an argument. Make sure to indicate the whole path to the file.

For instance: bscgen.bat c:\bsc\ventas\bscSales.properties o bscgen.sh /data/o3/scorecard/bscSales.properties.

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