Defining Scorecards
Defining Scorecards
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The scorecard definition process consists of:
- Defining the scorecard model: this specifies indicators, groups, data sources, etc.
- Generating the scorecard from the defined model.
The definition of the model consists of defining the indicators and their grouping, defining the calculation methods to apply, associating the data sources from where values for the indicators to measure are captured.
Scorecard generation creates the file that contains the scorecard to be analyzed with O3 Scorecard Viewer.
Once the scorecard has been created, the generation phase must be executed so as to update the information displayed in the O3 Scorecard Viewer with the current status of each indicator. This also means that every time the source cubes are updated, the scorecard should also be updated as well. More details about this generation phase will be described in the following sections.
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