O3 Scorecard

O3 Scorecard

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O3 Scorecard is the IdeaSoft O3Performance Suite component that facilitates the implementation of Scorecards.

Through the definition of indicators that reflect the company's guidelines and objectives set for each of them, O3 Scorecard lets you quickly view those measurements outside admissible ranges.

Either through the use of traffic lights, gauges or other graphic measuring components O3 Scorecard shows those indicators for which the goal has been reached in green, those that are within the acceptable deviation in yellow, and those that present inadmissible values in red.

O3 Scorecard also lets you perform a historical analysis of data. Through the definition of a main filter, it is possible to analyze each indicator, for instance in every month or quarter, to obtain even a future projection of the goals that will be reached and those on which it is necessary to take some corrective action.

Another of the outstanding characteristics of O3 Scorecard is its total integration with Ideasoft O3 OLAP tool. Both tools interact so that at the same time that different indicators are analyzed in the scorecard, cubes adapt themselves to display the same filters, dimensions and measures, thus allowing for a deep analysis of the measurements obtained, which in turn lets you fully exploit both tools' functionalities.

What follows is a simple example to describe the concepts involved in the elaboration of scorecards.

The components described are part of the O3 Browser environment, thus it is recommended to know the details of this module before further reading. See O3 Browser

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