Defining the Strategy Map

Defining the Strategy Map

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The map lets you view the strategy established to achieve Company success in a graphical way, showing at the same time, how the different objectives interact through the cause-effect relationships that may exist among them.

Indicators may be grouped in sections representing a classification according to some criterion. In the case of implementing an Integral Control Panel, the sections represent each of the 4 perspectives, in which the different strategic objectives are set.

The previous picture shows a strategy map associated to a scorecard that implements the Balanced Scorecard methodology. In it we can see the perspective of Learning and Growth, the Internal perspective, the Customer's perspective, and the Financial Perspective. Besides, you may see the different indicators in the colors corresponding to their statuses, and the existing cause-effect relationships. For instance, the "Increase Sales" indicator is shown in Red, which indicates that the set goals have not been reached yet.

In order to view a strategy map you first need to define it with the component O3 Strategy Map. This must be launched from O3 Scorecard Editor.

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