Defining a new Scorecard

Defining a new Scorecard

Unknown macro: {scrollbar}

To define a new scorecard you must follow these steps:

  1. Open O3 Browser
  2. Open O3 Scorecard Editor with the corresponding button in the toolbar.
    A new scorecard containing only the Root Element is displayed.
  3. Add the desired groups and indicators in the pane on the left, with their corresponding data sources.
  4. Define the properties of the different elements associated to each element in the scorecard hierarchy in the pane on the right
  5. Save the scorecard definition.
    The first time the scorecard is saved its name must be entered.

To modify an existing scorecard you must follow these steps:

  1. Open O3 Browser
  2. Open O3 Scorecard Editor with the corresponding button in the toolbar.
    The dialog box that lets you select the scorecard definition you wish to modify is displayed.
  3. Make the desired modifications.
  4. Save the modifications made to the scorecard definition

The scorecard definition can be saved both locally or in the network file system, as well as in the O3 server.

When a scorecard definition is saved for the first time, its location is determined.

To save a scorecard definition, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the corresponding button in the toolbar.
    The first time you do this, the dialogue in the following picture is displayed.
  2. Choose the location for the scorecard definition, in the pane on the left in the dialogue box, according to the following options:
    • Local Files: To save the scorecard in the file system.
    • Remote Files: To save the scorecard in O3 Server.
  3. Name the scorecard definition.
    In case it is saved in the server, it might be necessary to enter username and password to access it. (These data will be requested if no connection to the server had been established in the session).
    A file containing the scorecard definition is saved with the bsDef extension.
  4. If you have a strategy map associated to the scorecard, a dialog box asking if you wish to save it is displayed.

Unknown macro: {scrollbar}