Searching for elements
This facility lets you find elements in the dimension whose labels contain a given description. Once the search is done, it is possible to drill the elements found.
Picture 18: Dialogue box to search elements.
To perform a search of elements within a dimension you need to:
- Enter the description in the Search field
- Use the "OK" button to launch the search. The result is displayed in the tree as shown in the previous picture.
- Click "OK" to carry out the drilling.
The elements found are shown embedded under the corresponding level. The previous picture shows the search results for "SHX" in the Products dimension. You may see that all the elements found are below the "Product" level of the dimension, and we should remember that this dimension has three levels, namely, Family, Line and Product.
The available drilling over the elements found in the search depends on the type of drilling currently selected. In the example in the previous picture, as "List of Members" is selected as a drilling mode, you may choose all elements you wish, as they are all at the same level.