Drilling List of Elements

Drilling List of Elements

This type of query lets you select a list of elements on which the analysis needs to be focused.
All elements on the list belong in the same level in the hierarchical organization of the dimension. This means that we will be able to choose a set of quarters, from the same or different year, but it is not possible to choose years and quarters at the same time. 

Picture 3: Example of the selection of several elements
To choose a list of elements of a dimension you need to:

  1. Choose the "List of Elements" option from the list of available operations.
  2. Select the desired elements of the dimension, always belonging in the same hierarchical level. This is done by selecting the corresponding check-boxes to the desired elements.
  3. Click "OK" to accept the operation.

In addition, this type of query lets you sort the elements on the list or the results of the query. In order to do that, a new button is added between "Search" and "OK". This button is disabled for other types of queries.
The previous picture shows the selection that lets you perform a query on the 3 first quarters of 2001, that is, for elements 1st quarter/2001, 2nd quarter/2001 and 3rd quarter/2001.
The following picture shows the selection of elements that lets you compare the evolution of the first quarter through the years.  

Picture 4: Example of the selection of several elements.