The Query Panel
The Query Panel
The Drill Pane or control panel of each of the dimensions displays the following components.
- Query Tab
- List of possible operations to achieve the different types of queries .
- Search Button, which enables you to open the corresponding dialogue box to locate elements of the dimension from a sub-string of characters.
- Button to accept the query specification.
- Button to cancel the query specification.
Query Tab
It lets you select the set of elements of the dimension on which you wish to perform the query. The main component in this tab is the Dimension Hierarchy Tree, where all its elements are displayed in an indented form.
Search Tab
It lets you look for elements of a dimension from a sub-string of characters. The search is performed according to the each element's short label.
It has the following components:
- Field to enter the sub-string to search for.
- "Apply" button, which triggers the search.
- Tree showing the elements of the dimension that have been found as a result
The different types of queries available from each dimension's Drill Pane are shown below.
, multiple selections available,