Using tables

Using tables

In O3 Browser you can view the analyzed data in graph or table mode.
The presentation of data in table mode becomes absolutely necessary when the user needs to analyze values in detail.
Using the table allows users to access some special functions O3 Browser offers and that are only activated for this form of displaying information.  These functions are listed below:

  • Grouping dimensions in either analysis axis (columns or rows )
  • Customizing the format of the different elements in the Analysis Pane, including colors, type and size of text font, text alignment, etc., and defining new styles that can be saved and applied later.
  • Adding totals and subtotals in both axes.
  • Adding new calculated elements through columns or rows with predefined expressions, or eventually creating user-defined functions.
  • Export analyzed data to another application such as a spreadsheet.

Adding Calculated elements
O3 Browser allows users to improve analysis capacity beyond the information loaded in the cube, adding calculated rows or columns to the ones displayed in the table.
In addition to the predefined functions included in the program, of which some examples are, sum, average, minimum, maximum, rows and columns with user-defined expressions can be added.
The user-defined formulae can be saved in order to apply them to other cubes or views in the future.
The new calculated elements can be added in different places. Depending on these places, the set of elements on which the defined calculation is applied is determined.
It is possible to add calculated rows or columns in the following levels:


Related to

Global to the Table

It affects all visible values in the table. They are independent from the dimensions in the axes and from the drilling operations, and can be added as rows or columns.


They are only visible when the dimension has an embedded dimension. They relate to the dimension, and the calculation is added based on the elements in that dimension exclusively.