Querying a Datamart
The mechanisms described above let you drill a multidimensional model refining queries based on "Drill down", "Drill up", "Drill Top" operations.
Ideasoft O3 Performance Suite, also meets other analysis necessities offering more flexible and powerful query mechanisms.
This section describes the different types of queries you may formulate from the control panel of each of the dimensions. The pane or dialogue box is opened by clicking on the icon to the right of the name of each dimension as shown in the following picture.
Picture 1: Drill panel of the dimensions.
Picture 1, "Drill panel of the dimensions" shows the control panel of a date dimension.
This dimension presents a 3-level hierarchy showing years, quarters, and months. Other elements in this dimension are the ones that correspond to the relative dates defined in the model: Last 12 months, Year To-date, and Current Month.
This section will make use of this date-type dimension to describe the different types of queries.
These can be generally applied to any dimension. However, there are some queries that only make sense in those dimensions placed on the analysis axes. That is why the list of available operations may vary depending on the use of the dimension in the view.