Defining Initiatives

Defining Initiatives

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Initiativesare notes that can be added to indicators. They point out some relevant observation about the indicator or even some action to be taken according to the status of the indicator.

Corrective actions worth performing are documented as initiatives and it is possible to trace them.

Information on initiatives consists of:

  • Title: It identifies the initiative.
  • Creation Date: It is automatically assigned at the time of entering the initiative.
  • Status: It lets you record if the planned action is in process or has been completed.
    There are three possible statuses, namely: "New", "In Process" or "Completed".
  • Responsible: It identifies the user responsible for the action
  • Creator: It identifies the user who puts forward the initiative
  • Description: It is informative text that describes the initiative.

The pane for the definition of initiatives is launched with the "Open initiative" button in the pane that shows the detail of the status of an indicator.

The initiatives pane lets you add, modify and delete initiatives.

To modify an initiative you must choose the line that corresponds to that initiative and open the edit window with the "Show" button.

The edit pane lets you enter the data mentioned above.

Once the data have been modified, you must use the "Close" button to confirm the changes of the initiative and you are taken back to the pane to enter initiatives, where the changes must be made permanent by clicking the "Apply" button.

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