Opening a new Window

Opening a new Window

Unknown macro: {scrollbar}

O3 Browser lets you work with more than one window simultaneously, which makes the user's work much easier, as they are able to view information from different cubes or in different contexts at the same time.

When a new window is opened, O3 Browser opens a new window with a copy of the active view at that time.

To open a new window, just select the "New Window" option in the "Windows" File.

On opening a new window, the one containing the active view is renamed, adding the corresponding view number between straight brackets.

Open windows may be organized in cascade, horizontally, or vertically styles from the Window menu, choosing each one of the different options.

The "Next" and "Previous" options in the Window menu take you to the next and previous windows respectively.

To change windows, you may select the one you want from the "Windows" menu.

Besides this mechanism, O3 Browser lets you work with "Desktops", to make the organization of different windows in containers easier. For details about the use of Desktops refer to the corresponding section. 

Unknown macro: {scrollbar}