Cubes through HTTP or FTP

Cubes through HTTP or FTP

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The option "Open" in the "File" menu or Toolbar must be used to open a cube or view through HTTP o FTP.

These are the necessary steps to be taken:

  1. Select the "Open" option in the "File" menu. The dialogue box "Open Cube or View" appear.
  2. Choose the cube or view through the following options:
    • Enter a URL for the cube or view
    • Click on the arrow of the menu in the dialogue box and select one of the cubes available on the list.
      The list contains the recently opened cubes
    • Select "Open".
      If the server has any defined security policy, username and password will have to be entered

Specification of the Web server and cube you wish to access through a HTTP has the following format:

http://<Web server>/<path>/<cube name>.cube
http://<Web server>/<path>/<cube name>.view

Specification of the FTP server and cube you wish to access through a FTP has the following format:

ftp://<FTP server>/<path>/<cube name>.cube {user:password}
ftp://<FTP server>/<path>/<cube name>.view {user:password}

<Web server> is the IP name of the Web server
<ftp server> is the IP name or address of the FTP server
<cube_name> is the name of the cube
<view_name> is the name of the saved view
{username:password} indicates the username and password to access the Web or FTP sites.

Including the username and password is optional. If they are used, a space must be left blank between the cube or view name and the username.

It is also possible to select a URL for the cube using the File | Reopen command. The submenu in this option shows a list with the ten last used cubes.

To access a cube or view through HTTP or FTP, files must have previously been published by the Website or FTP site administrator.

When accessing a cube or view through HTTP or FTP, O3Browser operates in the Standalone mode. This means that the full cube is moved to the client machine. This characteristic may pose some difficulty when we are dealing with a large cube, or if Internet access is through a low transmission capacity line.

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