Moving a container
Moving a container
The position of each container is given by the position of its tab in the Containers Bar. The Desktop System lets you relocate containers as described below:
To move a container through the corresponding menu option, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the tab of the container you want to move. A menu with different options appears.
- Choose "Move Right" to move the container one position to the right, or choose "Move Left" to move the container one position to the left
In this way, the tab appears in the new position and so does the container, which stays active.
To move a container dragging its tab, follow these steps:
- Left-click on the tab of the container you want to move.
- Keep the left button pressed and move the tab to the new position. The mouse must be moved horizontally over the containers bar. The valid positions for the container are indicated as the mouse is moved, by changing its pointer.
Removing a Container from the Desktop
When you remove a container from the desktop, all windows included in it are removed too.
There should always be at least one container on the desktop, so the remove operation is not available when there is only one container left on the desktop.
To remove a container, follow these steps:
- Place the mouse pointer on the tab of the container you wish to remove.
- Right-click on it and choose "Remove Container" from the menu.
- After choosing to remove a container we may:
- Confirm the remove operation. In this case, the container to the right of that one removed, if existent, remains active. Otherwise, the container that remains active is the one to the left of the removed one.
- Cancel the operation
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