Container Window Layout

Container Window Layout

O3 Browser allows us to choose the way in which windows are displayed and work in a container, from the container configuration menu itself.

Standard Layout

Standard layout lets you relocate windows freely within a container. They can be laid out through the "Vertical", "Horizontal" and "Cascade" options in the Window menu, in the Menu bar.
To relocate a window, it is necessary to select it by placing the mouse at its top and dragging it to the desired position.
It is also possible to modify the size of any window independently from the others.

Picture 4: Container standard layout selection

Column Layout

O3 Browser allows users to arrange windows in a container in columns. The advantage of this layout is that windows are arranged like a jigsaw puzzle, and stay visible simultaneously, no matter how we rearrange or re-size them.
You can also use the "Vertical", "Horizontal" and "Cascade" commands in the "Windows" menu, and when doing so, the layout automatically changes to "Standard"
When the Column layout is chosen, the windows are originally arranged horizontally.
In order to relocate a window, it is necessary to select it by placing the mouse over the top part of the window, and dragging it to the desired position, either next to the top or bottom borders or next to the lateral borders of the window.
It is important to note that the Column Layout is necessary in order to use desktops on the web version.
The following picture shows a tentative window layout within a container laid out in columns.

Picture 5: Windows in the same container