Displaying Values

Displaying Values

O3 Browser allows users to display the numeric values of each element in the graphs.
To do so, choose "Display Values" in the "Explore"  menu or press the corresponding icon in the Toolbar.
Displaying Zeros
O3 Browser builds a multidimensional model formed by all the defined dimensions and measures. According to the analyzed measures, for different element combinations, the values displayed are likely to be zero.
In such a situation O3 Browser hides all those elements for which the values of the analyzed measure equal zero from the Analysis Pane.
This action can be modified choosing "Display Zeros" from the "Explore" menu, or pressing the corresponding icon in the Toolbar. 
Displaying undefined values ("NaN")
Similarly to the case of zeros, O3 Browser automatically hides those undefined values resulting, for example, from a division by zero. These elements are commonly known as NaN, which stands for Not a Number.
This form of operation can be modified choosing "Display NaNs" in the "Explore" menu or pressing the corresponding icon in the Toolbar.
Comparing two measures in a graph
O3 Browser offers one special kind of graph in which two measures can be analyzed simultaneously.
If this graph is chosen the Dimensions Bar is modified to add a new drop-down list from where to choose the second measure to analyze.
In order to change the layout of the Analysis Pane, you must choose "Two Measures"  in the " View" menu, or press the corresponding icon in the Toolbar.

Picture 1: Two measures graph
Showing all measures on an axis
The analysis O3 Browser allows users to perform is not limited to one or two measures at a time.
All measures or any subset of them can be displayed at any moment. In order to do that the measures must be placed on one of the axes, (or in Rows or Columns if we are viewing a table), and explore that axis to the top.

Picture 2: Viewing several measures on the X-axis