Previewing the Document 

Previewing the Document 

This is a very useful function at the time of preparing the analysis pane to export or print, as O3 Browser allows users to view how the document will look, as you customize it.
Steps to follow to view the document before it is printed:

  1. From the "File" menu, select "Print Preview" or choose the "Print Preview" icon in the Menu Bar.

Picture 1: Print Preview Window.
The following actions can be performed from this window:


It exports the Analysis Pane to a PDF file.

It prints the Analysis pane

Page Setup (see "Page Setup) Changes applied as we set the page, are immediately reflected in the Print Preview window.

Show/ Hide Margins

It establishes the number of pages you can see in the Print Preview at a time. The maximum number is four pages per row. 

To go to the Print Preview's first and previous page respectively.

To go to the Print Preview's next and last page respectively 

Performs zoom actions on the Print Preview pages. In O3 Browser, there is the chance to do that through the magnifying glasses, or directly choosing the size on the list or options combo.

It lets you view the page in its actual size. 

Fit to window. It adjusts the page size so that you can view a row of pages at the same time.

Fit to Width. It adjusts the page size so that the whole width of a row of pages fits in the view.  Please note that the difference with the previous option is that the pages in the row may not necessarily be displayed top to bottom.  

It maximizes the Print Preview

The Page format window depends on the Operating System and the languages this is in.