The Portal Status Bar
The status bar is meant to give the user different messages which may be relevant at the time of analyzing data.
The status bar is particular to each analysis window, in the same way as it happens with the Dimensions Bar. Consequently, when viewing more than one window at a time, the messages that should be given to the user are shown in each analysis pane.
The Status Bar is displayed in the bottom border of each window. It is divided in five sections, each one of them separated by a border.
- It shows the date and time the datamart was last updated
- It shows the active sorting criteria
- It shows the messages that should be given to users
The different types of messages that can be seen in this section are detailed below:- Security restrictions: restricted access to consult some levels of the dimensions of the datamart
- Scope restrictions: one or more measures are not defined in some levels of the dimensions of the datamart
- Data contain some non-numeric value. (NaN) and have been forced to zero
- Negative numbers forced to zero: Data contain some negative value and have been forced to zero
- Absolute value: All the data are negative and are presented as absolute value
- Activated compression message: in case the query's result is a disperse matrix, which has been compressed so as to optimize memory use
- Exceeded memory space in the server: The maximum number of values the server supports as a result of a query has been exceeded
- Exceeded memory space in the client: The maximum number of values the client supports as a result of a query has been exceeded
- It displays indications about rules defined for the active view. The interpretation of the symbols that can be displayed in this section is detailed below.
Rule without exceptions, that is to say that all values in the query comply with the defined rule.
Rule with exceptions, It indicates that there are some values that do not comply with the defined rule. If we click on the icon, the values that do not comply with the rule according to the style established when it was defined are highlighted. Please note in the picture shown as an example, that the icon changes to indicate we are highlighting those values. If we click on the icon again, the values toggle back to normal.
- It shows the following error symbol:
For instance: Reference is made to inexistent elements of a dimension, or a division by zero has been generated in the evaluation of the expression.
over user-added expressions, warning about potential errors in the defined expression.