Customizing O3Portal

Customizing O3Portal

Unknown macro: {scrollbar}

O3Portal can be customized so as to change the elements it displays, as well as colors, links, etc.

It is also possible to customize it so that the Edit Mode is only available to administrator users. In this way, you prevent users from deleting views or other components from  O3Portal.

We should bear in mind that in the case of general components (but for public views) the possibility to modify or delete is controlled through security mechanisms that define reading or writing permissions for each of the components and according to the user's role.

Even so, it might be necessary in some setups to disable the Edit Mode.

In order to do so, we must edit the file in:


y locate the follwing code:

All we have to do is uncomment so that it looks like this: 

Finally the file is saved and O3Portal is updated.

Unknown macro: {scrollbar}