Derived Measures
The property pane for a derived measure includes the following tabs:
- Description
- General
The Description tab
Property |
Description |
Name |
Enter the name of the measure level. |
Description |
Enter a description of the level. |
The General tab
Property |
Description |
Calculated Values |
Choose to calculate values after or before aggregation of calculation terms. |
Predefined |
Use predefined O3 expressions with 2 basic measures. Predefined operators are sum, difference, quotient, multiplication and percentage. |
Date Accumulation |
Defines an accumulation of a basic for a date dimension. It is possible to define the highest accumulation level in the date dimension (yearly, quarterly, monthly, etc.) |
Count Distinct |
Counts the different elements in a given level of a dimension based on a basic measure. |
Other Expression |
Enter an expression using any number of basic measures, and any operators and functions in the Operators and Functions for Expressions and Virtual Fields table. |
Statistics |
Defines the measure using statistical operations such as Population Variance or Quadratic Mean. |
Measure Format |
Define format values for the measure. See Formatting Numbers |
Measure 1 |
First measure to operate with |
Operator |
The operator to use in the measure |
Measure 2 |
Second measure to operate with |
Date Accumulation
Count Distinct
Other Expression
Expression |
Defines the expression for the measure. You can use the expression editor to build the expression |