Defining Connections

Defining Connections

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The configuration to the database depends on the DBMS and the driver being used, that is if an ODBC or JDBC type handler is used.

For connections using JDBC drivers, the files corresponding to the controller must be located in the <O3>/classes/jdbc folder, where <O3> is the installation directory of IdeaSoft O3™ Performance Suite.

For connections using ODBC the corresponding system data source must be defined from the Windows control panel.

Connections are defined through the "Edit Connections" option, in the "Drill Through" entry of O3 Browser "File" menu.

This action displays a new window where we need to choose between local connections or remote connections.

The picture on the right shows this selection.

Once the selection is made, the Connections editor is displayed as shown below

To define a new connection to the database you must follow these steps:

  1. Right click on the "Connections" label to display the menu.
  2. Choose the " New Connection" option from the "Add" entry of the menu
  3. Select the new connection to display the right pane and fill up its properties.
  4. Try the connection to the database, by pressing the "Verify" button.
    The message "Connection established" indicates the connection has been successfully defined.
  5. Save changes with the "Record" button





It is the name given to the connection. It is referred to from the query definition



Name of the user with query permits on the database



Password of the user with query permits on the database




Type of controller. It is specified in the documentation of the controller being used

Type of driver




jdbc:odbc:<DATASOURCE>. Where DATASOURCE is the created ODBC source

URL to the desired database. It depends on the controller in use and it is stated in its documentation

Besides adding a new connection in the connections pane, you may modify and / or delete an existing connection.

If you wish to modify an existing connection you have to:

  1. Select the connection you wish to modify
  2. Modify the connection properties
  3. Try the connection to the database pressing the "Verify" button.
    The message "Connection established" indicates the connection has been successfully defined.
  4. Save the changes with the "Record" button.

If you wish to delete an existing connection you must:

  1. Right click on the connection you wish to delete, so as to open the drop down menu.
  2. Choose the "Delete" option
  3. Save changes with the "Record" button

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