The Structure of the ePortal

The Structure of the ePortal

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This section describes the structure of Enterprise Portal highlighting the most frequently used controls at the time of defining pages and using information.  

This tutorial uses the default configuration of Enterprise Portal, using different themes and styles might make control availability change, as well as their appearance and location.  

The previous image shows an example of what a finished page looks like.

You may see a set of analytical views in it, which include graphs, tables,"traffic lights" and other contents.

The Navigation bar

The Navigation bar is available at the top of the page and grants direct access to other pages defined within the same portal.

As it will be seen below, pages are saved in a hierarchical way which facilitates their administration. By default, all pages added in the first level of the hierarchy will be referenced through a link in the Navigation Bar. Above the Navigation Bar the company Logo is displayed. It can be personalized so as to place the corresponding one in each case.

The Options Menu

In the top right-hand corner you will find the Options Menu. This control in the shape of a drop-down menu identifies the user currently logged on and grants access to the options enabled by their access profile. Among the most usual operations is the link to personal information from the user's account, as well as a link to the web places (other pages) the user has access to.

For instance, an administrator or one with administration privileges will be able to:

  • Add new contents to the page
  • Change the contents layout through the use of different predefined templates.
  • Manage pages (create, modify, move, delete)

As mentioned before, the last option in this menu lets you move to other places the user has access to. This option displays a submenu where these places are listed.

The portlets area

The rest of the page is available for laying out the different enabled portlets (applications) in the portal.

The following image shows how each one of the graphical elements in this area is an independent portlet. Some of these portlets will be able to display analytical information such as graphs, gauges or traffic lights, whereas others may be descriptive or navigational, like the Index shown on the left.

Depending on the user's profile, the portlets may be relocated in different places on the page to adjust the presentation to the specific needs in each case. This portlet relocation will be described further on. 

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