Service Pack para Relativity v 11.00

Service Pack para Relativity v 11.00

Ante el reporte de un error en el comportamiento del Data Server de Relativity 11.00, utilizando tanto el driver JDBC como ODBC, en donde no se podian acceder a algunas de las tablas de una consulta SQL, Liant presenta un Service Pack y la forma de obtenerlo.

Se transcribe lo recibido del Proveedor.

Below are instructions for downloading and installing the Relativity v11.00 service pack:

1) ftp ftp.liant.com
2) Login with anonymous, using your email address as the password.
3) cd pub/rel/outgoing
4) binary
5) get reldbsrv1100SP1LNX.zip
6) bye
7) Unzip reldbsrv1100SP1LNX.zip. The password is 'Aug21'. Extract the contained file reldbsrv1100SP1LNX.tar.
8) Binary ftp reldbsrv1100SP1LNX.tar to the RelRM11.00 directory on the machine running the Data Server.
9) Login as root to the machine running the Data Server.
10) Change directory to the RelRM11.00 directory.
11) mkdir save
12) mv reldbsrv save
13) mv reldbsrv.rm save
14) mv relfm_rm.o save
15) mv srvstrrm.o save
16) tar xvf reldbsrv1100SP1LNX.tar
17) ln reldbsrv.rm reldbsrv
18) ./STOP
19) If the Data Server is configured to automatically restart, then the STOP command should report that it has restarted. If the Data Server is not configured to automatically restart, restart it with the command ./RUN.

The patched Data Server should now be running.