Migrating O3 4.3.x to 5.0.x

Migrating O3 4.3.x to 5.0.x

O3 version 5 includes a Settings and Migration Wizard that facilitates the transition of versions 4.3 to version 5.
This Wizard basically consists of 3 steps that can be independent configured according to the requirements and characteristics of the installation.

  • Step 1: Setting Up Database
  • Step 2: Migration of data from the previous version
  • Step 3: Enabling Database Datamarts

Pre-migration considerations

  • The migration assume the proper functioning of the previous installation
  • Check if there is enough disk space to the new facility, as well as for Datamarts that will be migrated

Start the migration

Migration is done through the following steps:

  1. Download Server (Jboss) and all O3's modules that were running.
    It's important not to start running either Jboss servers until otherwise indicated
  2. Rename the installation folder (for instance rename <INSTALLATION_PATH>\O3 to <INSTALLATION_PATH>\O3_old). Then install in a new folder that must be named as the previous installation (ie: <INSTALLATION_PATH>\O3)
  3. Install the license keys and activate them (see [O3PS:Installation Guide Licenses]
  4. Copy the server folder to the new installation, at the same place. It means to copy the following folder
    to the new installation, at the same place.
  5. Start running O3 Server Administrator from the new installed version
  6. From the Tools menu choose the option "Configuration & Migration Wizard". This operation will display the Wizard dialogue to execute the intallation process.

Setp 1: Database Configuration

This step will configure the O3 Server's database. This database is used to save users, roles, security schemes, and the referece of the datamarts available on the O3 Server

The database selection depends on each installation

Bye default O3 delivers an Hypersonic database instance that can be used for this purpose. You can choose any other database engine as well.

(warning) Note
The "Maintain the current configuration" option does not introduce any change for the database settings. It means you'd already been using a specific database engine for the O3 Server database, and you want to remain it unchanged.

The "Using database included in the O3 distribution" option allow you to move on the migration process using the Hypersonic database, which is delivered with O3 intallation

The next section explains how to set other database engine as the O3 Server database. In order to simplfy the explanation detailed settings for PosrgreSQL engine are shown:

  1. Create an empty database in the DBMS of our preference, together with a user with the appropiate permissions to create tables on it
  2. Select the "Usign a differente database that the one included with O3" option
  3. Complete the specific data fields for the DBMS selected
  4. Check the connection pressing the Test button
  5. Click the Next button
  6. Confirm the dialogue that asks if it should create the necessary tables




    Engine database identifier that will be used. One of the options listed must be choosen. After the database is selected, the other filds are completed, but mus be instanciated with the proper values


    JDBC driver used to conect to the databse


    COnection URL to de database. It identifies the IP or server name, together with the port and aditional parameters. Each JDBC driver requieres a specific URL. The driver documentation must be consulted in order use it correctly


    databse user used to conect from O3 Server


    user password to conect to the database


    The JDBC driver needed for the database should be previously copied in the <o3>/classes/jdbc and <o3>/jboss/server/default/lib folders.

Step 2: Data migration from earlier version

At this moment you must indicate where the earlier version is located, from which the migration process will take the configuration definitions and the datamarts in production.

  1. Select the "Migration from 4.x version" options
  2. Indicate the path to the previous O3 installation. This path must reference the installation folder.
  3. Once you have spcified the path as mentioned above, the installation information will be displayed


    At this stage, if no installation information is shown, you should review the specified path as well as user defintions

  4. Click Next button in order run the migration process

Step 3: Setup in database

At this stage you must indicate if you want to use the database as the datamarts repository.


This feature is only available for the O3 Enterprise Edition. If you do no have licensed this edition you must select the "Maintain the current configuration" option.

  1. Select the "Enable database usage" option
  2. Optionally you could indicate to migrate only available cubes. This will not copy the unavailable ones.
  3. Click th Finish button to confirm the selection made and end the migration process

Other considerations

The following considetarions should be aplied or not according to each particular installation

Server name for Web accesses

  1. Check the following file on the previous installation:
  2. In this file, check the value of the following property:
  3. If it's value is different from localhost, you must assign the same value to the new installation file

Using LDAP to take user and role definitions

O3 may be integrated to an LDAP server where the user and role configuratios area stored. If the previous version would have been customized to use an LDAP server for this purpose, the following steps should be executed:

  1. Copy the corresponding xml file to the following folder of the new installation:
  2. Modify the following file as is indicated on the "LDAP Setup Guide"

Customizing JBoss ports

  1. Check the previous installation for port modifications. To do this you must review the file at
  2. If it had other value than ports-default it means that in the previous intallation other ports differents from the default one were setup
    <mbean code="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingManager"
               <attribute name="ServerName">ports-default</attribute>
               <attribute name="StoreURL">${jboss.server.home.url}/port-bindings.xml</attribute>
               <attribute name="StoreFactoryClassName">org.jboss.services.binding.XMLServicesStoreFactory</attribute>
  3. If this is the case, the same modification must be applied in the new installation. Check the Guide to read about JBoss ports setup
  4. Check if the Tomcat application port had been changed on the previous installation. Read about Tomcat's port setup. In order to do this, you must review the file
    and look for the following code:
    <Connector port="8080" address="${jboss.bind.address}">
    The port by default is 8080. If it had been changed, you must modified it on the new installation as well.
    Note that the path mencioned above is only for earlier version. For version 5 on, this file is located at:

Additional JDBC drivers

  1. Check the database drivers installed at /classes/jdbc and /jboss/server/default/lib folders, and move them to the new installations if it is necesary

Mailer Setup

  1. Check mail setup. Copy the file:
    to the new installation (at the same place).
    More detailed information should be found at HowTo set JBoss mailer

Checking the new installation

  1. Start running O3 Server (JBoss)
  2. Connect to the O3 Server Administrator and log-in as administrator user
  3. Check the datamarts published. This means that the datarmarts are defined as "Available cubes" and theis Access Profiles have been read properly
  4. Check that users, roles and access permissions are correct
  5. Open the o3portal and log-in. Explore a datarmart, scorecard, desktops, and so on.
  6. Open the desktop client to explore a datamart
  7. Build any datamart in order to check the construction environment