Como resultado de realizar migraciones de versiones de O3BI 5.x y 6.x a la 7.x, los cubos que se migran son guardados en el sistema administrativo con una URN que termina en un número.
Los cubos nuevos que se publiquen tendrán una URN que termina en el Nombre que le indicamos al publicarlo.
Las URNs de los cubos tienen implicancia en la base de datos exist-db y en la base del liferay.
Ante el hecho de querer cambiar esas URNs que terminan en número por un nombre, con el objetivo de poder identificarlos mejor en avisos y alertas de construcción de cubos; debemos seguir el siguiente procedimiento
xQuery para modificar en base eXist O3BI | Consulta SQL para modificar en base de Liferay |
xquery version "3.0"; declare namespace vd=''; declare namespace dc=''; declare namespace dxml=''; declare namespace ns6=''; declare namespace ns3=""; declare namespace ns4=""; declare function local:chgViewRef($cubeUrn as xs:string, $newCubeUrn) as node()* { let $baseCollection:='/db/o3bi/domains/default/current/runtime' for $view in collection($baseCollection)//vd:viewDefinition[./dc:dublinCore/vd:cube/dc:identifier/text()=$cubeUrn] return update replace $view/dc:dublinCore/vd:cube/dc:identifier with element{'dc:identifier'}{$newCubeUrn} }; declare function local:chgAdhocRef($cubeUrn as xs:string, $newCubeUrn) as node()* { let $baseCollection:='/db/o3bi/domains/default/current/runtime' for $adhoc in collection($baseCollection)//ns4:adhoc//dc:identifier[./text() =$cubeUrn] return( let $tst:= update replace $adhoc with element{'dc:identifier'}{$newCubeUrn} return $adhoc/.. ) }; declare function local:chgProfileRef($cubeUrn as xs:string, $newCubeUrn) as node()* { let $baseCollection:='/db/o3bi/domains/default/current/runtime' for $profile in collection($baseCollection)//dxml:cubeProfile[./dxml:cube/dc:identifier/text() = $cubeUrn] return ( let $sts1:= update replace $profile/dxml:cube/dc:identifier with element{'dc:identifier'}{$newCubeUrn} return $profile ) }; declare function local:chgTaskRef($cubeUrn as xs:string, $newCubeUrn) as node()* { let $baseCollection:='/db/o3bi/domains/default/current/runtime' for $scheduleTask in collection($baseCollection)//ns3:scheduleTask/ns3:property[./ns3:key/text() = 'urn:cube' and ./ns3:value/text()=$cubeUrn] return ( let $sts1:= update replace $scheduleTask/ns3:value with element{'ns3:value'}{$newCubeUrn} return $scheduleTask/.. ) }; declare function local:chgCubeName($cubeName as xs:string, $newCubeName as xs:string, $prefixUrn as xs:string) as node()* { let $cubeUrn:=$prefixUrn|| $cubeName let $newCubeUrn:=$prefixUrn|| $newCubeName let $baseCollection:='/db/o3bi/domains/default/current/runtime' (:CubeName:) let $cube:=collection($baseCollection)/dxml:cubeDefinition[./dc:dublinCore/dc:identifier/text()=$cubeUrn] return if (not(empty($cube))) then ( let $sts1:= update replace $cube/dc:dublinCore/dc:identifier with element{'dc:identifier'}{$newCubeUrn} let $sts1:= update replace $cube/ns6:cubeName with element{'ns6:cubeName'}{$newCubeName} let $sts1:= if (not(empty($cube/dc:dublinCore/dc:name))) then update replace $cube/dc:dublinCore/dc:name with element{'dc:name'}{$newCubeName} else update insert element{'dc:name'}{$newCubeName} following $cube/dc:dublinCore/dc:namespace (:cubeView:) let $views:=local:chgViewRef($cubeUrn, $newCubeUrn) (:chgProfileRef:) let $profile:=local:chgProfileRef($cubeUrn, $newCubeUrn) (:chgTaskRef:) let $task:=local:chgTaskRef($cubeUrn, $newCubeUrn) (:chgAdhocRef:) let $adhoc:=local:chgAdhocRef($cubeUrn, $newCubeUrn) return element{'resultadoOk'} { $cube/ns6:cubeName, $profile/dxml:cube/dc:identifier, $profile, $cube, $views, $task, $adhoc } ) else ( element{'resultado'} { 'No se encontro el cubo de name:'|| $cubeName } ) }; (:Ejecucion de cambio de nombre:) let $cubeName:='2103' let $newCubeName:='DeudoresInd' let $prefixUrn:='urn:o3bi:default:r:cube:a:' return local:chgCubeName($cubeName,$newCubeName, $prefixUrn) | Corresponde aplicar si hay ControlDashlets configurados con el cubo a modificar la urn UPDATE PortletPreferences SET preferences = REPLACE(preferences, 'urn:o3bi:default:r:cube:a:2017' , 'urn:o3bi:default:r:cube:a:AtPresencial') where preferences like'%urn:o3bi:default:r:cube:a:2017%' |