Group's Aggregation tab

Group's Aggregation tab

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The following data about the group is defined in the pane corresponding to the "Aggregation" tab.

  • Aggregation Method: Method used to calculate the status of the Group.
  • Include Groups in the Aggregation: Use this check box to indicate if you wish to include subgroups at the time of calculating the status of the group. If this option is not selected, only the indicators directly associated to the group and not to the subgroup will be taken into consideration.
  • Weight of Indicators Definition Table: This field is only enabled for the "Weights" aggregation method. It lets you define the assigned weights to each indicator in the group.
  • Weight of Groups of Indicators Definition Table: This field is only enabled for the "Weights" aggregation method. It les you define the assigned weights to each indicator in each subgroup.
  • Method to define statuses when more than one color with the same weight exists: This field is only enabled for the "Weights" aggregation method.

Following you will see a detailed explanation on how to use these fields in the definition of groups.

We must bear in mind that the status of groups and indicators can take three possible values, Green, Red or Yellow. The color of the group being defined must be inferred from the color or status of indicators and subgroups.

To do so, it is necessary to indicate if such status corresponds to the worst case, or the best case according to the assigned weights.

Worst Case

Through this aggregation method, we reflect the situation that the group will be put on alert if at least one indicator or subgroup is on alert itself.

  • The color of the group will be Red: If there is at least one Red subgroup or indicator.
  • The group will be yellow: if there are no Red indicators or subgroups and at least one subgroup or indicator is Yellow.
  • The color of the group will be Green: If all subgroups and indicators are Green

Best case

Through this aggregation method we reflect the situation contrary to the case above: one single subgroup or indicator in Green will be enough for the group to be colored Green.

  • The color of the group will be Green: if at leas a subgroup or indicator is Green
  • The group will be Yellow: if there are no Green subgroups or indicators and at least one subgroup or indicator is Yellow.
  • The color of the group will be Red: if all subgroups and indicators are Red.


This method lets users define the degree of importance or incidence (weight) each indicator has within the group.
To determine the status of the group, all subgroups and indicators of the same color are taken into consideration and their weights are added. The color with the greatest weight will be the color the group will take.

In case of a "tie" among colors when adding their weights, the best or worst case will be chosen according to what has been defined in the last field in the pane. The following table details the result in such a case.


"Tied" Statuses

Result Status

Best Case

Green with any other



Yellow with Red


Worst Case

Yellow with Green



Red with any other


In the aggregation method definition pane you may see two independent sections, in which the weights of indicators and subgroups must be respectively defined.

The section to enter the weights of indicators displays a row for each defined indicator in the group. Likewise, the section to enter the weights of subgroups offers a row for each subgroup it has.

The desired weight values are defined only in the column named "Weights". The "Percentage" column is merely informative and shows the incidence of the value assigned to each element in the total. Although this column always adds up to 100, it is not necessary for the sum of all defined weights to equal 100.

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