About Rules  

About Rules  

O3 Rules is the Ideasoft O3 Performance Suite component that, by means of a graphic interface lets you state rules that must be complied with or exceptions that must be detected on any datum analyzed with O3 Browser.
You may have the need to define controls for certain areas of a company, to foresee situations, which if detected late, might be difficult to solve. Among the most common examples we have: 

  • Expenses exceeding the assigned budget
  • Sales in a sales-campaign
  • Sales of certain products below established goals
  • Credits maturity

O3 Browser allows the user to define systematic controls on this information by means of what are called "Business Rules." These rules can have different degrees of severity, the user being able to associate different colors for their graphic representation. When O3 Browser displays information under the control of these rules, it uses colors to view deviations and exceptions. Rules also let you generate events for the new Warning services available in O3 Performance Server.
Business Rules define conditions over different indicators of a multidimensional model that must be complied with so that business is successful. Hence, monitoring these conditions becomes vital for efficient management. 
O3 Rules facilitates the monitoring of rules by means of the definition of actions such as e-mail notification, to report on the values of indicators generating the non-compliance.
To sum up, using O3 Rules to define Business Rules lets you perform a proactive analysis in the key areas of the company, through the following mechanisms within the user's reach.

  • Automatic evaluation of conditions.
  • Communication of Warnings by means of e-mail and SMS to cell phones
  • Graphic viewing of detected conditions.
  • Integration with Processes for Warning management.