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Detailed queries are available through the option called Plugins in the "Windows" menu.
To do so, you need to define and locate a configuration file in the same directory where the cube is located. This file has the same name of the cube and "plugins" as extension.
The details of the contents of this file are:
# Comments preceded by the "number" character plugin.i.name=<Name by which the query appears to the user> plugin.i.dsc=<Description of the query> plugin.i.browser.class=com.ideasoft.o3.dt.plugin.DTBrowserPlugin plugin.i.server.class=com.ideasoft.o3.dt.plugin.DTServerPlugin plugin.i.args=taskName=<Name given to the query>Task |
Please note that a file is defined for each cube. The "i" index varies from zero onwards for each query included.
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