
Every analysis with *{_}O3Portal{_}* requires user identification.

In this way the system determines which is the information set the user has access to.

To do so, follow these steps:
# !O3Portal-Login.png|align=right,vspace=10,hspace=10! Open a web browser.
# Enter the address where *{_}O3Portal{_}* is accessible, just as it was given to you by the system administrator.
By default, the address has this format: {color:#0000ff}http://<server>:8080/o3portal{color}, where <server> is the name or IP of the box where the portal is executed.
# Optionally, you can choose the desired language for your work session.
By default, a language depending on the settings of the machine and the browser used is selected.
# Authenticate yourself by entering user name and password.
This user must be defined with the right permits in *{_}O3Server Administrator{_}*. Depending on the granted permits, the set of information the user can consult and analyze will be made available to them.
# Press the Submit button.
If the submitted information is right, all the analysis elements the authenticated user has access to will be shown. Otherwise they are asked to re-submit their user name and password.
