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{scrollbar} ---- To simplify the process of definition and creation of the hierarchies of the Common Dimensions, *{_}O3 Designer{_}* provides several methods for the Designer. For example, you can create a hierarchy declaring the correspondence between each one of the levels and source fields, or from the tables representing the parent-child relationship between the nodes. These areh3. Construction Modes and theyThere differare fromfour oneconstruction anothermodes: in the way they obtain their hierarchies from within the Data Source. \\ {anchor:_Toc94582518}{*}Construction Modes* There are four construction modes: * standard * edge * range * format* [Standard|Standard Construction Mode] * [Edge|Edge Construction Mode] * [Range|Range Construction Mode] * [Format|Format Construction Mode] \\ ---- {scrollbar} {children} |
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