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{scrollbar} The way to declare and manage the *Schedules* that enable the automatic execution of tasks in O3 Server is described below. These schedules are declared through the O3 Server graphic interface, and let you set up the frequency of execution of the aforemantioned tasks. h2. Defining a new Schedule # Log on *O3 Server Administrator* through an administrator account. # Select the Scheduler service. This will display a screen like the one shown below. !O3ServerAdministrator-Scheduler-List.png|vspace=10|hspace=10! You may define several schedules and adjust existing ones depending on current necessities. These schedules may be shared by several tasks. # Press the Add button to create a new schedule. This displays a new screen where the schedule frequency is set up. !O3ServerAdministrator-Scheduler-Editor.png|vspace=10|hspace=10! # IngresarEnter elthe nombrename deof lathe programaciónprogramming. # ConfigurarSet losup parámetrosthe deexecution frecuencia de ejecuciónfrequency parameters. | FechaDate\\ | FechaDate deof ejecuciónexecution\\ | | HoraTime | HoraTime deof ejecuciónexecution\\ | | HoraEnd detime Finalización\\ | HoraLatest máximatime deof ejecuciónexecution. PasadaNo estaaction horawill nobe seperformed ejecutaráafter ningunathis accióntime. | | RepetirRepeat | It lets Permiteyou configurarset lasup repeticionesthe querepetitions, podránwhich sercan variasbe vecesmany entimes eleach díaday oor variosmany díasdays. \\ EstasThese opcionesoptions ofrecenoffer una altohigh gradodegreee deof personalizacióncutomizing parato ajustarseadjust ato lasthe necesidadesneeds dein cadaeach casocase. | | FechaEnd deDate\\ Finalización | FechaLatest máximadate deof ejecuciónexecution. LuegoNo deaction estawill fechabe noperformed seafter ejecutaráthis ningúna accióndate. | # AceptarClick losOK cambiosto paraconfirm persistirchanges lafor nuevathe Programaciónnew Programming. Con estosProgrammings pasosdefined lastrhough Programacionesthese questeps secan definanlater podránon luegobe serused utilizadasand yshared compartidasfor parathe laexecution ejecuciónof deO3 lasServer tareas automáticas del O3 Server.automatic tasks. ---- {scrollbar} {children} |
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