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{scrollbar} ---- This section describes how to create a new Space (community) and assign members to it, so as to add the desired content later on h2. Web Spaces All pages defined in the ePortal belong in (are defined in) a Web Space. This Web spaces can be of different types. * The *personal* space that users associated to the *Power User* role have by default * Spaces inherited for belonging in a given *Location * * Spaces inherited for belonging in a given *Community * \\ {info:title=Ubicaciones}{*}Locations* are a geographical concept that let us organize users according to the place of work. They are conceived mainly for large organizations with offices in different physical places. They are not taken into consideration for this tutorial {info}The case given the most attention to in this tutorial is that of *Communities*, and how they let us organize the pages the users see depending on their belonging or not in them. \\ h3. Communities Communities are a mechanism that allows us to group users according to common characteristics as to the information they manage, their interests or the type of work they perform. In this way, it is possible to define communities which later users join, thus sharing the pages defined within the community. h4. Defining New Communities The task of defining and maintaining communities is performed by the Administrator, identified by the account *admin*. # Log on the portal as Administrator (admin) http://<server>/eportal This displays the homepage of the admin user personal space in which a number of administration portlets have already been defined. # Place the Communities administration portlet . !ePortal-Comunities.png|vspace=10,hspace=10! # Press the Add Community button. # Indicate the community name and optionally, a description. !ePortal-ComunitiesEditor.png|vspace=10,hspace=10! The type of community indicates the existing security level to join a community. In this case *Open* is the right option. # Check the community is *active*. * * # Press the *Save* button to create the community. This step should show the new created community on the list of existingavailable communities. !ePortal-ComunitiesList.png|vspace=10,hspace=10! h4. Assigning Members to a Community. Once it has been created, it is necessary to assign members to a community so that they can access the pages definedefined in it. The user who created the community is automatically recognized as belonging in the community in the role of *Comunity Owner* # In the list of available communities, press the *Actions* button for that community. This displays a list of possible actions. !ePortal-ComunityActions.png|vspace=10,hspace=10! # Select the action *Assign Members* * * # In the list of *Available Users*, select the desired user/s # Press the {color:#ff0000}{*}Update Assignments{*}{color} button ---- {scrollbar} |
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