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Every analysis with *{_}O3Portal{_}* requires user identification.

In this way the system determines which is the information set the user has access to.

To do so, follow these steps:
# !O3Portal-Login.png|align=right,vspace=10,hspace=10! Open a web browser.
# Enter the address where *{_}O3Portal{_}* is accessible, just as it was given to you by the system administrator.
By default, the address has this format: {color:#0000ff}


Every analysis with O3Portal requires user identification.

In this way the system determines which is the information set the user has access to.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Image Added Open a web browser.
  2. Enter the address where O3Portal is accessible, just as it was given to you by the system administrator.
    By default, the address has this format: http://<server>:8080/o3portal


  1. ,


  1. where


  1. <server>


  1. is


  1. the


  1. name


  1. or


  1. IP


  1. of


  1. the


  1. box


  1. where


  1. the


  1. portal


  1. is


  1. executed.


  1. Optionally,


  1. you


  1. can


  1. choose


  1. the


  1. desired


  1. language


  1. for


  1. your


  1. work


  1. session.


  1. By


  1. default,


  1. a


  1. language


  1. depending


  1. on


  1. the


  1. settings


  1. of


  1. the


  1. machine


  1. and


  1. the


  1. browser


  1. used


  1. is


  1. selected.


  1. Authenticate


  1. yourself


  1. by


  1. entering


  1. user


  1. name


  1. and


  1. password.


  1. This


  1. user


  1. must


  1. be


  1. defined


  1. with


  1. the


  1. right


  1. permits


  1. in


  1. O3Server


  1. Administrator


  1. .


  1. Depending


  1. on


  1. the


  1. granted


  1. permits,


  1. the


  1. set


  1. of


  1. information


  1. the


  1. user


  1. can


  1. consult


  1. and


  1. analyze


  1. will


  1. be


  1. made


  1. available


  1. to


  1. them.


  1. Press


  1. the


  1. Submit


  1. button.


  1. If


  1. the


  1. submitted


  1. information


  1. is


  1. right,


  1. all


  1. the


  1. analysis


  1. elements


  1. the


  1. authenticated


  1. user


  1. has


  1. access


  1. to


  1. will


  1. be


  1. shown.


  1. Otherwise


  1. they


  1. are


  1. asked


  1. to


  1. re-submit


  1. their


  1. user


  1. name


  1. and


  1. password.



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